Resonance - Chapter 2 Album

These is the list to look forward to in our next album

1. You Live In Me
2. You Brought Me Back Home
3. Running The Race
4. Psalm 139
5. For Your Love
6. You're The One I Need
7. With You Again

and counting . . . . :)

These songs are brought to you by the collaboration of VIBE (Visceral Incessant Boundless Exaltation, COC Pines Music Team, 2006-2007) and Resonance. It's time for these songs to be heard and sung by every believer in the planet. So stay updated and hope to hear from you all soon. See You and God Bless Everyone!


Em       D                 C
There were ninety nine that safely lay
Em     D              C
In the shelter of the fold
Em           D         C
But one was out on the hills away
Em       D                  C
Far off from the gates of gold
Am             Em
Away, on the mountains wild and bare
Am              Em
Away, from the shepherd’s tender care
Am              Em
Away, from the shepherd’s tender care
As long as you’re with me
I’ll never go astray

Verse 2:
Lord though here thy ninety and nine
Are they not enough for thee
But the shepherd answered this of mine
Has wandered away from me
Although the road be rough and steep
I’ll go to the desert and find my sheep
I’ll go to the desert and find my sheep
As long as you’re with me
I’ll never go astray

Verse 3:
But none of the ransomed ever knew
How deep the waters crossed
Nor how dark the night the Lord passed through
Ere He found his sheep was lost
Out in the desert he heard its cry
He’s sick helpless and ready to die
He’s sick helpless and ready to die
As long as you’re with me
I’ll never go astray

Verse 4
Lord whence are those blood drops on the way
That mark out the mountains track
They were shed for the one who had gone astray
Ere the shepherd could bring him back
Lord whence thy hands so rent and torn
They’re pierced tonight by many thorns
They’re pierced tonight by many thorns
As long as you’re with me
I’ll never go astray

Em                         D
I’m the lost sheep and the ninety and nine
He got out and find me in the country beyond
And when he found me
D                  C
He joyfully put me on his shoulder
Go home with a smile
Em                          D
He called out his friends together with neighbor
Rejoices when I finally arrive
Em                     D
The same way in heaven, more rejoices
With the one who repents in the ninety and nine
Am               Em
Rejoice for the Lord brings back his own
As long as You’re with me
I’ll never go astray

Lyrical Hymn revival
Music by Edwin Bergaño, Jr.
Vocals: Wendy Fernandez, Frances Margarette Acosta, Shinkae Hombrebueno
Bass: Oneil Carantes
Drums: Florentino Panot
Rhythm: Shinkae Hombrebueno
Lead: Edwin Bergaño, Jr.

Looking Forward

Hey guys, Resonance updates you to the events we are planning to do. "Do all things for the Glory of God!"

Young Adults Bible Class
     - A three-month course conducted by our pastor at our local church. This class aims to strengthen our roots of faith, and in connection, prepares us to attend the Leadership Camp on October. The class will start on the month of July, every Wednesday.

Resonance' Second Album
     - Yes! Our Second Album will be coming, hopefully released as the year 2012 start.

One Noise in Worship Louder Again
     - Why not do it again? Let's bind everyone again together, making a great sound that will shake up the spirit of youth, a louder noise in worship!

KONNECTtoU Chapter 2
     - For those who didn't had the chance to attend Chapter 1, here it comes again! Christformers-Resonance will have another concert! see you all!


verse 1:
I’m wounded, You healed me
I’m hurt, You comforted me
I ran away, You chased me
      C#m                   B
I have sinned, You died for me

verse 2:
I’m weak, you have strengthened me
I’m troubled, You uplifted me
I’m lost, You seek and saved me
That’s how You truly love me

You’re a great God of all
B       F#m
Nothing, compares to your love
Your love’s enduring
It’s sacrificial
It’s unconditional

Amazing is Your grace,
You can never be replaced
A                    B
I will live for Your glory always
How could you now be praised,
Faithful You are always
A                   B
I’ll worship You in all of my days

Lyrics and Music by Catherine Rose Diaz
Vocals: Catherine Rose Diaz
Bass: Florentino Panot
Drums: Jayzer Sinoto
Rhythm: Shinkae Hombrebueno

"WHAT DO I DO" Chords

Intro: D - A – G

Verse 1:
I’ve heard of saving grace
I’ve heard of mercy
I’ve heard of sacrifice
And life for eternity

I receive the word of the Lord
And it gave sense to all of me
Now what do I do?
A                   G
Now what do I do with it?
Now what do I do?
A                  G
Now what do I do with it?

    D      A      G
I will take it Lord with me
    D       A     G                    
I will take it to my family
         D     A      G
I will keep it in my heart
         D           A       G        
And in my life let it be my guide and light
         D        A          G
I will live by the word that saved me
           D        A      G
And let it shine for everyone to see
        D       A       G
I will live my life as testimony
       D            A        G
By the power of the word that sets me free

Verse 2:
I’ve heard ‘bout a glorious God
And how he loves me
How he desires my praise to hear me call His name

Lyrics and Music by Wendy Fernandez 
Vocals: Frances Margarette Acosta
Bass: Florentino Panot
Drums: Wendy Fernandez
Rhythm: Shinkae Hombrebueno
Lead: Edwin Bergano Jr
Keys: Hannah Mae Panot


Intro: Em C G D

Verse 1:
Em                        C
There is no one righteous, not even one
G              D
There is no one who understand
Em                 C                                
For all have sinned and fall short of
G         D               
The glory of our God

And it’s by grace
We have been saved through faith
G                 D
It’s not be works so that no one may boast
Em                      C
He have cleaned our feet
He have cleaned our hearts
This is now our calling

G                Em
You have loved me to give you glory
C               Em     D - Dsus
To your name my wonderful Lord
G                Em
You have saved me from the lake of fire
C                     Em        D - Dsus
When You died on that cross of Calvary
G                Em
You have loved me, you have loved me
C                 Em     D
You have loved me from eternity

Verse 2:
We are tempted driven by our own evil desires
We don’t listen we disobey his words
We lived in sin, deceived ourselves
Enjoyed the worldly pleasures

C            Em      D
I lay down myself to You my Lord
C            Em      D
I lift up my heart to You my Lord
C            Em       D
I raise my voice to You my Lord
C            Em      D
Here I am praising You

Lyrics and Music by Shinkae Hombrebueno
Vocals: Wendy Fernandez, Winston Fernandez,Shinkae Hombrebueno
Bass: Edwin Bergano, Jr.
Drums: Florentino Panot
Rhythm: Shinkae Hombrebueno