"WHAT DO I DO" Chords

Intro: D - A – G

Verse 1:
I’ve heard of saving grace
I’ve heard of mercy
I’ve heard of sacrifice
And life for eternity

I receive the word of the Lord
And it gave sense to all of me
Now what do I do?
A                   G
Now what do I do with it?
Now what do I do?
A                  G
Now what do I do with it?

    D      A      G
I will take it Lord with me
    D       A     G                    
I will take it to my family
         D     A      G
I will keep it in my heart
         D           A       G        
And in my life let it be my guide and light
         D        A          G
I will live by the word that saved me
           D        A      G
And let it shine for everyone to see
        D       A       G
I will live my life as testimony
       D            A        G
By the power of the word that sets me free

Verse 2:
I’ve heard ‘bout a glorious God
And how he loves me
How he desires my praise to hear me call His name

Lyrics and Music by Wendy Fernandez 
Vocals: Frances Margarette Acosta
Bass: Florentino Panot
Drums: Wendy Fernandez
Rhythm: Shinkae Hombrebueno
Lead: Edwin Bergano Jr
Keys: Hannah Mae Panot

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